This e-book is about opportunity!
The opportunity that you have to live your life on your terms.
To do so you would have earned your stripes so to speak, having successfully negotiated the life stages of early and middle adulthood and now finding yourself on the cusp of what I shall call the “second half” of your life.
That stage is clearly associated with retirement. The R word however comes with lots of baggage little of which is particularly helpful in re-imagining a revitalised second half for your life.
So we need to rethink retirement.
A good point to start is to do an honest stock take of where we find ourselves in our personal lives. And because money is central to the idea of a fulfilled second half, it helps a great deal if we understand our own relationship with money.
Having done all of this introspection and a critical re-evaluation of popularly held ideas around retirement and money, we are now ready to formulate a personalised mission statement that will allow us to live a meaningful second half aligned to our own values and interests.
In all of this remember that your second half is a journey, not a destination.
I hope that you enjoy the ride; bon voyage!