When was the last time that you and your spouse / partner or children failed to see eye to eye with regard to matters financial?
If money is a source of tension between you and your significant others, your beliefs and values about this important matter probably differ.
To help you identify your own core values and assist you in understanding why you approach the issue of money in the way you do, take the quiz below. Do this by ranking the values listed here in order of importance with 1 being the most important value to you and 5 the least.
Now ask your significant others to do the same and compare notes. There are likely to be differences. Next think about any disagreements that you may recently have had around the topic of money. Is it possible that these disagreements could be explained because you happen to be wired differently in as far as your values are concerned?
Should you need a neutral facilitator assisting you and your significant others in handling your money differences in a constructive manner, arrange a session with Jurie.