
Riding the waves of financial uncertainty

In the vast ocean of financial management, money anxiety often feels like an unending series of waves. Sometimes, these waves are gentle, nudging us towards better financial habits. Other times, they are overwhelming, born from the tempests of unexpected life events and shifting economic landscapes.

The Power of 'Get To' Over 'Have To'

Life only seems to get busier - no matter how hard we try to slow things down. It's easy to fall into a pattern of viewing tasks and responsibilities as burdens, things we 'have to' do. This mindset, often a default setting, can make our days feel heavy and obligatory. But what if we could shift this perspective? What if, instead of 'I have to', we started saying 'I get to'? This simple linguistic flip can transform our approach to everyday life, infusing it with gratitude and positivity.

It's important to check in

In the realm of financial planning, we often focus on numbers, strategies, and future projections. Yet, a recent conversation shared on twitter underscores a different, but equally vital aspect of our work: the importance of simply being there and listening.

The relationships we cherish and celebrate

In the rhythmic and deceptively unpredictable day-in and day-out of our calendars, there are moments when our wallets feel significantly lighter. The end of the year, with its festive sparkle and cheer, often brings a flurry of spending that can leave many of us dizzy. It's not just the holidays, though. Think about that one month when it seems everyone you know is celebrating a birthday, or perhaps the season of weddings and anniversaries. These periods of intensified spending, while joyous, can also bring a unique set of challenges and opportunities.

Less scrolling, more strolling

Screens dominate much of our waking hours. There's a growing need to disconnect from the virtual and reconnect with the tangible world around us. The mantra "less scrolling, more strolling" captures this sentiment perfectly, encouraging a shift from passive, screen-based activities to active, physical engagement with our surroundings, particularly through walking.
