
The value in procrastination

Procrastination gets a bad rap. It’s often labelled as laziness, lack of discipline, or avoidance. But what if there’s more to it? What if procrastination isn’t just resistance, but information? We’ve all done it—stared at a task, knowing it needs to be done, but finding every possible reason to delay. Maybe it’s reviewing your finances, having that long-overdue conversation, or finally tackling an investment decision. Instead of moving forward, we sit in limbo, caught between intention and action.

The law of diminishing returns

We live in a world where more is often seen as better: more money, more investments, more security, more financial strategies. But what if there comes a point where adding more doesn’t necessarily add value? The law of diminishing returns suggests that beyond a certain point, additional effort or resources result in smaller and smaller benefits. And this principle applies directly to financial planning.

Money, Ego, and the Illusion of Security

The purpose of ego is security. The nature of ego is insecurity. The destiny of ego is surrender. (Credit: @findingawareness on Instagram) It’s an interesting paradox, isn’t it? The very thing we rely on to create a sense of safety, our ego, is inherently restless, always scanning for threats, always seeking more. Perhaps this tension is most evident in how we interact with money.

Choosing a trusted partnership

At first glance, it seems obvious why someone would seek out a financial adviser or planner; to make smarter money decisions! But if that were the only reason, personal finance books and online calculators would have made financial planners obsolete long ago. The reality is that the true value of an adviser goes far beyond spreadsheets and portfolio allocations.

The holistic approach to life cover

When it comes to life insurance, one of the most common questions people ask is: How much cover do I actually need? While the typical rule of thumb suggests between 10 to 15 times your annual salary, the real answer depends on your unique circumstances, responsibilities, and financial goals. Rather than picking a number out of thin air, let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture. A well-structured life insurance plan isn’t just about covering debts; it’s about ensuring your loved ones have the financial security they need, no matter what the future holds.

Is it time for a lifestyle audit?

Also referred to as an "economic reality check,", lifestyle audits are not just for the rich and famous, and not just useful to the tax collector! Have you ever looked at your bank statement and wondered, “Where did it all go?” It’s one of those universal moments—a glance at your spending habits and the creeping realisation that maybe, just maybe, your money isn’t working as hard as it should be for the life you want.
