Femme Finance 101
All sorts of sentimental reasons may be offered for women to manage their own financial affairs. At Mindfulmoney® we buy into none of these…simply because we believe it to be no less than rational for women to strive for their own financial independence.
Yet, if the results of a survey conducted by VISA in 2012 are anything to go by, the facts tell an altogether different story. For example, less than 2% of South African women surveyed, invested directly into shares listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange.
So, maybe you have always wanted to venture into the stock market but have held back for whatever reason. Or you may just want to take a fresh look at the way in which you manage your personal finances. Whatever your need, you shall benefit from reading our free downloadable e-book entitled "What you should know about investing and your financial well-being". Alternatively, you may just want to talk to us. If so, feel free to contact either Inge or Jurie to schedule your free of charge exploratory financial coaching session.